connor_small.JPG (2990 bytes)

Residence of R.B. Connor

backus_small.JPG (3531 bytes)

Farm & lake residence of
W.W. Backus Esq.

bour_small.JPG (2584 bytes)

Residence of N. Bour

Homes.JPG (243086 bytes)

Grosse Pointe Homes

gravier_small.JPG (3155 bytes)

Residence of John B. Gravier

greiner_small.JPG (2790 bytes)

Residence of Michael Greiner

shoemaker_small.JPG (2777 bytes)

Residence of Wm. Shoemaker

sunderland_small.JPG (2630 bytes)

Residence of Geo. Sunderland

vanassche_small.JPG (2924 bytes)

REsidence of P.F. Vannassche


Greenfield.JPG (266977 bytes)



Grosse_Point.JPG (223553 bytes)

Grosse Pointe


Berry_House.JPG (227494 bytes)

Berry House



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